Secondary – RE
Religious Education Key Stage 3 Aims To promote the spiritual, moral, social, emotional intellectual and cultural development of the students: · Extend their understanding of Christianity and at least two other principle religions in a local ,national and global context · Appreciating that individuals and cultures express their beliefs and values through many different forms. · To name, describe and give accounts, in order to build a coherent picture of various religions · Understanding how and respond to questions of meaning within different religions · Raise awareness of the students in order for them to give an informed and considered response to religious and moral issues
Year 7 Working to develop understanding of the meaning of religion Exploring Christianity and other main religions |
Term 1 – Exploring the impact of religions and beliefs on how people live their lives. b. Understanding that religious practices are diverse, change over time and are influenced by cultures |
Term 2 Values and commitments a. Understanding how moral values and a sense of obligation can come from beliefs and experience. b. Evaluating their own and others’ values in order to make informed, rational and imaginative choices. |
Term 3 – Identity, diversity and belonging a. Understanding how individuals develop a sense of identity and belonging through faith or belief. |
Term 4 – Practices and ways of life a. Exploring the impact of religions and beliefs on how people live their lives. |
Term 5 – b. Exploring the variety, difference and relationships that exist within and between religions, values and beliefs. |
Term 6 – b. Understanding that religious practices are diverse, change over time and are influenced by cultures |
Year 8 Working to develop understanding of Christianity and at least two other main religions |
Term 1 – Christianity & Islam Interpreting teachings, sources, authorities and ways of life in order to understand religions and beliefs. Understanding and responding critically to beliefs and attitudes. |
Term 2 – Buddhism & Hinduism Exploring the impact of religions and beliefs on how people live their lives. Understanding that religious practices are diverse, change over time and are influenced by cultures. |
Term 3 – Explain similarities and differences between, and within, religions. Give an informed and considered response to religious and moral issues
Term 4 – Reflect on what is has been learnt Identify and respond to questions of meaning within religions
Term 5 Exploring the impact of religions and beliefs on how people live their lives. |
Term 6 – . Understanding that religious practices are diverse, change over time and are influenced by cultures |
Year 9 Working to understand the meaning of religion and different beliefs Exploring Christianity and other main religions |
Term 1 What affects the way people live their lives, pupils explore this through discussion ‘What affects how people live their lives?’ (eg family, friends, desires, television, ambition, advertising, religion, genes, own choices, temperament, good and bad experiences |
Term 2 – Identifying evidence of religion around us through. Recording observations of how religion is expressed in daily life, through the representation of a local street or shopping area
Term 3 Beliefs, teachings and sources a. Interpreting teachings, sources, authorities and ways of life in order to understand religions and beliefs. b. Understanding and responding critically to beliefs and attitudes |
Term 4 – Practices and ways of life a. Exploring the impact of religions and beliefs on how people live their lives. b. Understanding that religious practices are diverse, change over time and are influenced by cultures. |
Term 5 – Values and commitments Interpret a variety offorms of religious and spiritual expression Understanding how moral values and a sense of obligation can come from beliefs and experience. |
Term 6 – . Evaluating their own and others’ values in order to make informed, rational and imaginative choices |
Religious Education Key Stage 4 Aims This GCSE Religious Studies course involves a thematic study of some central questions and issues in human life and experience and explores the relevance of religious beliefs, practices, values and traditions to these questions and issues. The course relates to many contemporary issues that can be found throughout the media. The WJEC Certification of statutory RE Plan 4: Short Course over One Year Period Teaching Course Earliest exam opportunity Year 10 Chosen Unit May/June: Chosen Unit Suitable for: • Allows for examination after taking module. |
Year 10 The unit of work will be achieved through coverage of the three key areas: Religious beliefs, practices, values and traditions Human experiences and issues Key concepts
Term 1 – Looking for Meaning Christianity – Core beliefs, teachings and practices Beliefs God Creator and sustainer, omnipotence, omnibenevolence, omniscience, omnipresence Beliefs and teachings on Creation from the Genesis accounts Nature of Humanity: image of God, soul, moral, free will, rational, creative, Trinity: The three aspects of one God – Father ( Jesus as God Incarnate Son Holy Spirit, Jesus as Messiah, Saviour, Word: the Incarnation salvation and atonement His birth, crucifixion, resurrection (key elements of the accounts of Jesus’, birth,death resurrection and ascension Practices Morality Divine command/absolutist and situational/relativist approaches to ethical decision making Islamic – Core beliefs, teachings and practices Beliefs Prophethood (Risalah – Qur’an 2:136) Islamic teachings on Adam, the first prophet Islamic teachings on Ibrahim and Ishmael Islamic teachings on Prophet Jesus (Qur’an 2:87) Islamic teachings on Muhammad: the Seal of the Prophets |
Term 2 –– Issues of Life and Death This theme requires learners to consider religious and non-religious beliefs about the nature of life and death and the origins and value of the universe and human life. Learners are expected to make relevant references to scripture and other sources of authority as well as the beliefs of Humanists and Atheists.
Term 3 Relationships Issues of love, marriage and divorce
Religious beliefs, practices, values and traditions What responsibilities do we have towards each other? Chastity, commitment, conflict, love reconciliation
Term 4 – Is It Fair Describe religious attitudes towards prejudice and discrimination Describe religious views about gender equality Explain examples and the impact of prejudice in the media Evaluate whether being a religious believer requires you to fight injustice. Describe religious attitudes towards wealth and poverty
Term 5 – Issues of Good and Evil This theme requires learners to consider philosophical questions concerning the origins and nature of good and evil. Through a study of teachings and beliefs, questions relating to the causes of crime and attitudes towards the aims of punishment and treatment of criminals will be considered. |
Term 6 – Revision Revise the following topics Religions and Medicine Religion and State Religion and Conflict Relationships Looking for Meaning Our World Is It Fair
Year 11 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of religious terms used in the specification. In religious education students learn about religion and from religion in their quest to make sense of and find meaning in their own experience of life. In this process students need to be developing those skills and critical faculties which are embodied in the aims and assessment objectives of this specification and locally agreed syllabuses. Topic |
Term1 1 Relationships Issues of love, marriage and divorce |
Term 2 – Topic 2 Is it Fair? Issues of justice and equality |
Term 3 – Topic 3 Looking for Meaning Issues about God, life and death |
Term 4 Topic 4 Our World Exploring creation and our place in the world |
Term5 Revise the following topics Religions and Medicine Religion and State Religion and Conflict Relationships Looking for Meaning Our World Is It Fair |
Term6 Revise the following topics Religions and Medicine Religion and State Religion and Conflict Relationships Looking for Meaning Our World Is It Fair |
Click here for RE Policy for KS1 – KS4