Careers Programme

Learn - Grow - Thrive
The school mission statement of “Learn, Grow, Thrive” is whole-heartedly implemented in the careers programme at Eko Pathways School. We fully support and guide our students through the process of planning for their future lives. All staff have an active role in preparing them through a full programme of careers education delivered through PSHE, special events, enrichment programmes, visits and trips. We also work on this within individual departments and through tutor time.
Are you an employer who would like to strengthen your organisation’s community outreach?
Our careers lead, Camille Hall, works in collaboration with a number of employers to develop bespoke careers programmes, which young people with additional needs can easily access. We are keen to continue to develop partnerships with employers as the work that they do with our students is fundamental in supporting them to develop their essential skills whilst also broadening their knowledge and experience of the world of work. Our work with employers ranges from school workshops, workplace insight days, tours of workplaces, Q&A sessions and work experience placements. In the last academic year we have worked with Higgins, Mott MacDonald, London City Airport and Vorboss to name a few.
Our staff at Eko Pathways are supported to develop their knowledge and skills in order to link their curriculum to careers and the post-16 needs of our learners. We ensure that there are careers related CPD opportunities throughout the year and we encourage staff to attend careers related training events. Staff are also provided with the opportunity to engage with various employers throughout the year when they accompany our students on educational visits to outside organisations, careers fairs and post-16 events. All staff have been trained in Skills Builder which has been embedded across the school and supports both staff and students in developing their essential skills.
All students will:
Develop a deeper understanding of themselves, their abilities and affinities.
Gain a greater knowledge of the range of opportunities open to them.
Take part in work related activities in and out of school.
Understand the labour market and the requirements and expectations of employers.
Learn to make decisions wisely about their future.
Be fully prepared to manage change and be fully supported through key transition period.
Learn how to improve their own employability: how to find work, how to get work and how to progress their careers.
We are extremely proud of our links with employers. These employers work very closely with students through work placements, which are individually matched to the student’s interest and are of a very high quality.
Year 7
Next Step – Students are supported in their transition from primary school into secondary school and begin to learn more about themselves. During the year they complete a pupil pathway and milestone outlining their targets and skills.
Year 8
Exploring Work – Students explore the world of work gaining a greater understanding of employer’s expectations, employability skills and the labour market.
Year 9
Students have opportunities of engaging in vocational courses, attending courses run by different industries, e.g. Life Course run by the London Fire Brigade. Visiting professionals from various industries, visits to career fairs.
Year 10
A program of identifying concrete skills and personal attributes, which will be, linked to career paths, job and college applications. Creating a personal statement, CV, cover letter culminating in interview skills and submitting applications for work placements and attending interviews with employers. The length of the placements adapted to the individual students individual needs and abilities.
Year 11
Preparation for Progression – Students undergo a programme of education, information and guidance to help them make the vital decisions about their future. A series of PHSE lessons teaches them about effective decision-making, explores their options and gives support in making their applications. It covers the full range of routes into their future including sixth form, FE College, apprenticeships and school leaver programmes. This is supported by 1:1 careers interviews and a progression interview with a member of the Leadership Team.
The next review of our Careers Programme will be November 2026. For more information regarding our careers programme please contact Miss Hall on
Careers Education, Information and Guidance Policy
Skills Builder Bronze Award Certificate