Eko Pathways
Equalities Objectives 2021/23
September 2023
Eko Pathways School is committed to ensuring equality of provision throughout our school.
There are a number of statutory duties that must be met by every school in line with legislation from the Race Relations Amendment Act 2000, Disability Equality Duty 2005 and Equality Act 2010.
Eko Pathways School is committed to meeting its public sector duties and acknowledges that we have a statutory duty to:
Eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation.
- Promote equality of access and opportunity within our school and within our wider community.
- Promote positive attitudes to difference and good relationships between people with different backgrounds, genders, cultures, faiths, abilities and ethnic origins.
The Leadership Team and Governors at Eko Pathways School regularly review the progress that we are making to meet our equality objectives with regard to protected groups (race, disability, gender reassignment, age, pregnancy and maternity, marital status, sexual orientation, religion and belief and sexual orientation) under the Equality Act 2010.
Equality Objectives
At Eko Pathways School we are committed to ensuring equality of education and opportunity for all pupils, staff, parents and carers, irrespective of race, gender, disability, belief, religion or socio-economic background.
In order to further support pupils, raise standards and ensure inclusive teaching, we have set the following objectives:
Objective 1: To embed equality and diversity in the curriculum to ensure all members of our school community are supported and to become diversity competent.
Why we have chosen this objective:
- The school is set in a diverse area in London
- Pupils regularly use discriminatory language
- Need to ensure that the curriculum is representative of the wider community, to include those groups who
To achieve this objective we plan to:
- audit the curriculum to ensure that the protected characteristics are represented meaningfully across the curriculum
- from the audit, adapt and include any additions needed to improve representation in the curriculum
- evaluate the impact through discussions with pupils around people and events (representing diversity), as well as seeing if the incidents of discrimination reduce over time.
Progress we are making towards this objective:
Objective 2: To ensure the governing body represents the diversity of the local community to ensure there are a broad range of perspectives amongst the team.
Why we have chosen this objective:
- The school serve a diverse community
- The governing body has previously been unrepresented of the community it serves
- We need to ensure that we have voices in the governing body that represent the all groups who we serve
To achieve this objective we plan to:
- Audit the governing body for representation
- Identify groups that are underrepresented
- Seek potential candidates to shadow, view the school for to get to know the school
- Create a list of potential candidates for when vacancies occur
Progress we are making towards this objective:
Objective 3: To reduce the number of incidents of direct and casual discriminatory language across the school
Why we have chosen this objective:
- There are high levels of discriminatory language used by pupils
- Some pupils are restricted to stereotypes of different groups
- Some pupils and their families live isolated lives despite living in a diverse community
- Adults aren’t always confident with how to deal with discriminatory language
- Meaningful interventions are not yet imbedded
To achieve this objective we plan to:
- Train all new staff in logging discriminatory language
- Develop a culture of addressing discriminatory language immediately
- Ensure the curriculum represents diversity meaningfully
- Develop interventions to support pupils who regularly use discriminatory language
- Train staff in dealing with pupils when they use discriminatory language
- Plan a programme for the year where key dates, focus months are visible and shared throughout the school year
Progress we are making towards this objective:
Eko Pathways​ School publishes it Equality Objectives annually in line with the Eko Trust Equalities policy