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The Governors’ provide a strategic role and are responsible for raising school standards, ensuring accountability and acting as a critical friend.

Their vision is to provide excellence in all that we do to achieve the best outcome for our pupils.

Please click here to view a complete list of Eko Pathways Governors

Governors play a very important role leading our school to deliver great learning for our children along with the Senior Leadership Team.

The school is part of Eko Trust; a Multi-Academy Trust. The legal responsibility for Eko Pathways rests with a dedicated team of directors (trustees) who form the Trust.  These directors (trustees) rely on advice and support from the Eko Pathways’s talented and committed local governing body, particularly the strategic planning for the school and the specific matters delegated under the Scheme of Delegation, which can be found here.

If you have any questions about how governors work please come and talk to us.

Governors Privacy Notice

Our Chair of Governors, David Mann, can be contacted via email or letter at:



Our Local Governing Board


All members of the local governing body have a term of office of 4 years. During this time they are expected to play a full and active part in the leadership of the school. It is expected that all governors will attend all the local governing body meetings each academic year and an annual away-day meeting. For these meetings governors will come well read, with added ideas and research findings to bring to the table. All governors will also actively seek to fulfil their responsibilities by attending the school during operational hours, meet, discuss and debate with staff, and take a full and active interest in the current pressures and opportunities facing the school community.

Roles and Responsibilities

The role of governor is very demanding and extremely rewarding. It is the responsibility of every Governor to:-

  • Attend all meetings and come well prepared
  • To be informed, well researched, thoughtful and vocal in all meetings
  • To listen attentive to everyone's ideas and opinions
  • Ask enquiring and supportively probing questions of the staff and each other
  • To bring innovative solutions to the table
  • To promote the school
  • Be visible as a governor to the widest community
  • Keep up to date with personal training needs.


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